2005/06/25 06:12: Reasons I use PLD
- qboosh's anal-retentive package corrections. Things work consistently. Very, very consistently. And he can spel, too.
- Out of the box IPv6 support, and no
- Choices aren't made as distro policy except when there's One Right Way, or having one way is the only possible way, no matter what it is.
- Packages are as small as possible, but not annoyingly fragmented like a certain distro's Ruby package
- Things work out of the box most of the time.
- It uses RPM.
- Development is transparent — enough so that I as a non-Polish-speaker could get involved. The technical clarity makes up for most of the lack of English developer docs.
- Up-to-dateness without actually bleeding much. I've been running GNOME 2.10 since shortly after it came out from gnome.org, and the breakage was nearly nil. No reason to delay the update forever.
- Effort into solving things solidly. I can confidently upgrade a kernel with RPM, and not fret that the system won't boot. I've had two exceptions to this, both with some exceedingly odd (read: unreasonable, and using bleeding-edge softtware) setups that I created. Both of which PLD's current RPMs handle, actually.