- Improving ruby bindings for Raptor, Rasqal and Redland.
- Separating my web framework from the financial app it was created for, and turning it into small, orthagonal, releasable pieces. I'd love for it to be a toolkit for those who want to build a larger web framework, not a whole framework in itself, really. Rails is great, but it's still shifting sands as it develops, and the pieces aren't very loosely coupled.
- Using Behavior.js, Script.aculo.us' scripts and some other Javascript libraries to play with some fun UI stuff.
- Hack more on Ruby to add some aspect-oriented features to the syntax.
- Whip XChat-GNOME into better shape.
- Play with Ruby-Web/Narf, which looks like a good clean-up on the ruby CGI library, though why on earth someone would treat CGI environment and HTTP headers as case-insensitive is beyond me. I also worry about the usage of thread-local structure like that. It's so close to right that it'll probably stick and keep it from being actually right . Grr.
- Do more illustrations for Illustration Friday. Just one a week, though.
- Find the sheet music or tab to Pink Floyd's “Wish You Were Here” and learn to play it better.
- Play with Ruby/Odeum, and put it to good use on the NBTSWikiWiki.
- Finish writing my change-tracking virtual filesystem overlay.
- Learn enough Haskell to hack on Darcs some.
- Install Pubcookie or Webauth on Polis.
- Finish the Ruby NSS module I've been working on.
- Write a script for said NSS module to allow users on Polis to define a friends-group pseudo-user, and using that and Posix-draft ACLs, make unix-secure web files. This will probably take something like the aforementioned Pubcookie for authentication, and a webserver with privilege to change userids, or a dynamic proxy or FastCGI type thing to fire up a servlet process as a given user when supplied with adequate credentials. Thar be some dragons.
- Work on Xenophile.
And people wonder why I say I don't believe in boredom.