"How was school today?" "Okay, I guess." "Just okay? You liked it so much this month, since Ms. Smith is back." "Yeah, it was just okay." "Why just okay? Was it one of your classes?" "Not really." "What, then?" "I hate recess." "You hate recess?" "Yeah." "Why? Why do you hate recess?" "I... I don't hate recess. I hate Krissi." "Why? What did she do to you?" "She was teasing me. She asked me who I liked. She made everybody guess." "So she made you embarrassed?" "Yeah." "They guessed someone you didn't want to say?" "Yeah." "Jessie?" "Mooooom! No! I did this already today! Krissi made everyone guess all the girls." "You don't like anyone?" "Then she guessed Jacob and everyone made fun of him." "Oh, that's awful. Even if he was gay there's no reason to make fun of him." "I like him, mom." "What?!" "I like him." "You what?" "I kissed him. Nobody saw." "I can't believe this. That Jacob! I can't believe this." "Mom. Don't make fun of him." "I'm not. I just ... " "Fine. I won't do it again. I don't care."