[5: "It was difficult"] It was difficult to figure out how all the pieces fit together. So many names, so many dates, and so many things left missing to figure out later. She slammed the books shut in frustration, and stomped down the stairs. Her aunt Helen was sitting in the chair by the stove, knitting. When she reached the landing, she looked up and said "Dear, are you still working on that project? What possible use can it be?" "It's a mystery. It needs figuring out. I have to figure it out." "You need no such thing. You need to get your hands dirty, get out and do some real work. Help me in the garden tomorrow." She pursed her lips, and realized it was the same face her aunt was making. For as much as she liked nature, she hated working in the garden. Nothing following its natural cycles there, it has to be coddled and kept and tamed until it's productive. She'd decided she didn't want to be productive. She didn't let on, though, and said "I'll help some in the morning." She stood on the back porch, feeling the chill, cool air drift down off the hills.