[15: What would you do if you were invisible for a day? (and whatever you touch could become invisible too..)] "Sama! Where are you?!" Meera sounded exasperated now, but Sama decided she didn't care. She'd found a little door in the ceiling of her closet, leading up into the old attic of the house, and she figured out that if she wedged herself just right, she could climb the inside walls of the little closet and end up just at the door without too much trouble. The wedging herself in there was actually a fun trick on its own. Last week, she'd hid in Meera's doorway, right at the top, turned sideways, and she'd felt invisible since Meera would pass right under without noticing her. She'd then spoiled it a bit by making a raspberry noise, and Meera had nearly screamed in surprise, caught up in whatever she was thinking. But now, Meera was really looking for her, and she was probably late for school, but the attic seemed ever so much more interesting, so there she was. Old things everywhere, and the little door was just a small hole with a wood cover, on the floor at the other end of the space. It wasn't a big space, she was almost surprised for the size of the house, but she shrugged and started to make the space her own. An old spool of cable became a table, and a bedsheet became a tablecloth. Boxes became chairs, and there was a tea-set already a tea-set, so she used that as it was. "SAMA!" the yell came from downstairs, she thought, but it sounded far away. Uncle Ram wasn't going to let her be late, she realized, so she went to get back down. Looking down through the little hole in the floor into the closet was a surprise. It was a long way down, the high ceilings of the house were far away from the floor, but it made the floor seem even further away. She pulled her head back up and sat to think. Meera looked into the bedroom. "She's not in here, Uncle Ram" She poked her head back down through the hole to call out to Meera that she was there, but just caught her turning away. She felt entirely invisible now. "Meera!" She didn't hear her. "Meera!" No answer. "Well, let's get you to school. No point in both of you being late." She heard Uncle Ram's loud voice from downstairs, and a muffled reply from Meera. "I'm up here! Help!" No answer, and not long after, she heard the car start in the driveway. She sat, feet in the hole, swinging, and wondering just how she'd get down before she spent the whole day in the attic. She sneezed. The dust was inches thick in places, and she realized she was covered in it. She heard the car again, the door, and Ram's voice briefly. She yelled from the hole. "Uncle Ram!" Then she heard the door again, and the car. She sighed and felt a tear run down her face, turning to mud in the dust that covered her, and never quite getting plump enough to fall. Suddenly the little table and make-shift tea-party seemed shabby, and she just wanted to get down.