[5: forest] Running through the forest, trail of packed loam, smells of pine and moss, decay, but decay in its place, not the rancid stink of decay in other places, but the smell of earth being reborn from tree limbs and musrooms in the litter. The crunchy balls formed by mushrooms crack underfoot like eggshells with nothing inside but a smoke of spores, ready to spread. The sound is startling, nothing else in the forest has that kind of crispness. Fog rolls over the path, and a tree root is obscured until almost too late. Running feet half catch, leather shoe tearing bark from the upturned root. A shower of earth splatters behind, the earthy smell momentarily stronger. A moment of sun, and a whiff of late berries left on the vines, too hard and dry now for humans to eat, but a gentle buzz says that there are insects that aren't so picky. Strands of poison oak trail near the path, visible now in red splendor, the only time of year it's easy to avoid, the red vines and leaves making a stark contrast to the pine and spruce behind it, and the deep brown of the earth and leaves underneath. Soon it will die back to tiny sticks and white berries, hidden among the leaves and ready to leave an oily surprise on someone's winter boots.