[What do you wish to invite in for 2011] Meera was waiting for Dick in the yard in front of the school. Her class had let out before his, but she couldn’t get groceries back to the house on the bus, so he’d offered to pick her up. “Tesco?” “Sure.” Meera realized she’d never bought groceries for more than a meal before. It was a little daunting, especially not knowing what Uncle Ram would eat and what he wouldn’t. Produce for salads. She figured she could eat what he wouldn’t. Bread and eggs. That much was easy. She hoped she picked the right sausages. The deli had curry, so she picked up two containers. She packed the groceries into the back of the truck, and Dick helped her carry the bags in when they got to the house. Uncle Ram was nowhere to be seen, so they filled the icebox together, Dick neatly sorting the bags out while she arranged the icebox. “You’re going to eat better than I do!” “Maybe you’ll have to have dinner here for once.” “Maybe we’ll have to eat in the kitchen instead of the dining room.” “You might be right about that.” Dick stayed for tea, then went home for the night. Uncle Ram shuffled in in his dressing gown again when he was gone. “I got groceries!” “Hmph. Let’s see.” He opened and shut the icebox a few times, as if he were looking for something and had forgotten what. “I got you sausages. I hope they’re the right ones.” He opened the icebox and tilted his head, looking for the package, then finally took it out and stared at it for a moment before shutting the door. He took a knife and stabbed the package a little fiercely, and slid several sausages out. Meera couldn’t tell whether he approved or not, but he looked like he hadn’t eaten in a week, and was now confronted with a huge steak. The sausages disappeared quickly, then the rest of the package. He shuffled over to the cupboard with the jug of milk and poured himself a glass, then looked up at Meera. “Thank you.”