[WHWN prompt "Describe a picture you WISH you had. Who is in it? What was going on? Where would you keep it, if you had it?", 2007-7-16] "Okay, my dad's home, but he's always in the rec room watching TV. If we're quiet, he'll never know you're here." said Jennifer. They slipped into the house and snuck past the rec room, then up the stairs to the hallway where Jennifer's room was. Jennifer opened the door to her room and let Raven inside, and Raven hurried in and they closed the door after them. Raven slipped her pack off her back and leaned it against the foot of the bed. She looked like she wasn't sure what to do in a room with so many fragile things in it. Jennifer's room was lined with shelves, and on each, tiny figures of wolves, ravens and dragons stood in neat lines. Some were glass, some were porcelain, some were pewter. No piece of wall was exposed, the entire room covered in shelves of tiny figurines. Jennifer sat on the bed, watching Raven for a moment. Raven's eyes rested on a figurine of a raven for a moment, then she looked away. Jennifer idly leafed through a photo album. Raven looked over the album in Jennifer's hands. "Who's that?" "My grandmother. She taught me to swim. She made these delicious breads with sweets in them. Stollen, I think she called them. We'd have them at Easter and Christmas and she always made me cake on my birthday." "Wow. I wish I had photographs to remind me of my grandmother", Raven said. "She died a couple years ago. She was the only person in my family who was nice to me. I never got a picture of her. My family never took pictures. I think they were too busy fighting whenever we got together." Jennifer shivered, remembering times her family had fought. "It wasn't roses. My grandmother was the only one who didn't fight with everyone in my family too. My parents are awful. Really horrible to each other. They'd be happier if they divorced, but they don't want to do that to the family, they say. I think we'd all be happier if they did." Jennifer stared at the picture of her grandmother a bit more, and Raven looked about the room. A male voice echoed up the hallway outside the door. "Jennifer! Get down here!" "Shit." said Jennifer, standing and going to the door. "Stay here. I'll be right back." She slipped out the door and closed it quickly behind her, not letting anyone see into the room. Raven heard muffled voices through the door but couldn't make out what was being said. There were two muffled thumps, then silence.